Tasmanian Lions Foundation
The Tasmanian Lions Foundation was established by Lions Tasmania. The main function of the Foundation is to hold and manage funds to assist with local disasters as needed. The TLF also provides management of funds held in trust for the Sunshine Association.
As well as holding a disaster fund, the TLF provides enabling grants to Lions Clubs (ONLY), to enable clubs to carry out projects that would not be possible without extra funding. Grants are usually on a dollar for dollar basis, and may also be combined with grants from other sources. When making application, please provide all information requested. Grant application forms are available in the Member Resources section of this website.
These are available to Clubs for a range of reasons, including fire and flood damage to property within Tasmania. Clubs should contact the TLF with queries. Emergency Grant Application forms are available in the Member Resources section of this website.
The Board of the Tasmanian Lions Foundation is made up of 9 members plus the District Governor of the day. The state is divided into three areas based on telephone codes (62,63,64) and three members represent each area. Members serve a three year term and are elected at the District Convention each year, with the term of one member from each area expiring at that time. The retiring member is eligible to nominate for re-election. Any member of a Lions Club in the District may nominate for election.
Only one member of an individual Lions club can be member of the Foundation board at any time (this rule does not apply to the District Governor). Both the member and the member's club must be in good standing at the time of the election.
The Foundation meets quarterly to consider grants and discuss other matters. A process is in place to deal with emergency grants - funds can be available to Clubs within a day or two if needed. Please contact the Foundation for details.
The Foundation welcomes donations from any source. Lions Clubs may also purchase Fellowship awards.
Tasmanian Lions Clubs can purchase the Tasmanian Lions Fellowship Award for presentation to any deserving recipient. The award costs $500.
Download a Fellowship Award application form here
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